Shipping Policy

  • We strive to deliver your order within the estimated delivery time mentioned on our website. However, delivery times may vary depending on factors beyond our control, such as weather conditions or logistical issues.
  • We offer free shipping on orders above a certain value, as specified on our website. For orders below this value, a shipping fee will be applied. You will be notified of the shipping charges during the checkout process.
  • When you place an order on our website, you are making an offer to purchase the products selected. We reserve the right to accept or decline your offer at our discretion. If your offer is accepted, we will send you an order confirmation email.
  • All prices displayed on our website are in Indian Rupees (INR) and are inclusive of applicable taxes. Payment can be made using various secure payment methods, such as credit/debit cards, net banking, or cash on delivery (where available).
  • It takes about 2 days after order confirmation to ship your order and 0-7 business days to reach at your doorstep.